Dismissal and Drop-Off Procedure

In a continuing effort to ensure the safety of all children, staff, and visitors of Emerson Elementary, as well as expedite the process as efficiently as possible, we want to inform you of the dismissal procedures.

Buses: Children riding home on the bus will be dismissed at 3:15. They will exit the building by the office at Door #1. They will proceed to board their bus in the bus lot. Children riding a later bus (Girls’ Inc. and Boys & Girls Club) will wait in the cafeteria until time to board.

We will begin dismissing car riders at 3:15. Cars should begin lining up by single file on 5th street. They should remain in a single file down the westbound parking lane along 5th Street (pointing towards Community Drive). Students will be dismissed from their classes at 3:15 to exit the building at Door #5 to be picked by a parent or guardian. Please remain in line and proceed with the traffic flow.  We use 6 designed locations on 5th Street indicated by an orange cone to load the students.  We kindly request that you remain in your car as we load the child into your car curbside.  If your child/children are not in the dismissal area and you must wait for them, please pull forward under the direction of the school personnel. Any child not picked up by 3:40 will report to the front office area to wait for their ride.

Walkers will be dismissed following bus and car dismissal (approximately 3:25-3:30. This will allow time for all cars to leave the premises before children begin to exit the building. Walkers will be supervised in the cafeteria until their release. Once dismissed, they may disperse in the necessary direction for their safe travel home under the supervision of a staff member and student crossing guards. 

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